Zoning your audio and display devices
  • 05 Dec 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Zoning your audio and display devices

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Article summary

After you  have connected your displays and/or set up your audio devices, you might want to group them into zones that enables you to: 

  • bulk change information in your visual messages regions on your templates,
  • trigger announcements to all outputs/devices in a specific area/zone. 

The Zones tab enables you to assign displays and/or audio devices to one zone output, while the Zone groups tab allows you to group zone outputs as well as other zone groups. There is no restriction to how many times each zone output or zone group can be used in other zone groups, leaving the structure of zone grouping up to the user. 

In this tutorial, we will create zones and zone groups and assign the configured displays and audio device outputs to them. Therefore, it is assumed that you already have displays and audio devices connected and configured. You can refresh your memory on these topics by reviewing the respective tutorials: 

Don't forget to assign the zones to your users so they can page and/or change content there. 

Topics covered:
Zones and Zone groups tabs


A) Create a new zone

  1. Open the Zones tab.
  2. Click the New Zone button.
B) Configure your zone

  1. Name your zone.
  2. Name the label for your zone.
  3. Drag & drop display. configuration and/or audio device zone outputs to be used in your zone from the Available devices section to the Selected devices section.
  4. Click the Save button.

Note: In the zone selection section of any Simpleway user interface, users will see zone labels rather than their actual names displayed on the Zones tab.

C) Create a new zone group

  1. Open the Zone groups tab.
  2. Click the New zone group button.

D) Configure your zone group

  1. Name your zone group.
  2. Name the label for your zone group.
  3. Drag & drop zones and/or zone groups to be used in your zone group from the Available zones & zone groups section to the Selected zones & zone groups section.
  4. Click the Save button.
Note: In the zone selection section of any Simpleway user interface, users will see zone group labels rather than their actual names displayed on the Zone groups tab.
E) Users tab

  1. Open the Users tab.
  2. Select an existing user or create a new one.

F) Assign zones and zone groups to user

  1. Drag & drop zones and/or zone groups from the Available zones & zone groups section to the Selected zones & zone groups section.
  2. Click the Save button.

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