Managing airline/carrier logos
  • 15 Sep 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Managing airline/carrier logos

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Article summary

In the previous tutorial we have shown you how to use Dynamic media tab for wayfinding use cases and in this tutorial we will show you how to manage the carrier logos with the dynamic media feature.  It will enable you to use the logos in templates resulting in automated switching of the carrier/airline logos based on the flight data

We have uploaded hundreds of carrier logos operating worldwide in standard format (600x150) and as tail logos (300x300).

Please see Dynamic wayfinding - SECURITY screens in case you need to refresh your memory on the basic configuration of the Dynamic media items.

Topics covered:
  • Dynamic media tab
  • Templates tab - Designer:
    • Dynamic media driven by flight airline data


A) Edit the carrier logos item on the Dynamic media tab.

  1. Open the Dynamic Media tab.
  2. Click the carrier logos item.

B) Configure the dynamic media.

Dynamic media is configured using a table. Just like in a spreadsheet or database, you can add named columns and rows. For every combination of column and row, an image or video can be uploaded.
A dynamic media item can be recalled manually by selecting row & column combinations. The row & column selection can be driven by data such as a custom field or a field in a flight record

In this case the selection of a carrier logo is based on the name of the carrier on the Carriers tab.
C) Adding a row for a new carrier/airline

  1. Add a row by clicking on the + icon on the left with the names of the carriers.
  2. Enter the name of the carrier in the ID field. 
  3. (Optional) Enter the full name of the airline in the Description field.
  4. Click the Add button.

Important: Use the same row names as used for items in Carriers tab to match the configuration.
D) Add media (images) to all possible combinations from the Media Library. Keep in mind that you can always upload new files to the library.

  1. Hover the mouse cursor over the cell value of the row you just created in the table. The box will turn grey, and an Upload icon will appear. Click the Upload icon.
  2. The Media library subwindow will appear; upload and choose the relevant airline logo from the Media Library.

E) Preview or delete the cell value

  1. Hover the mouse cursor over the cell with the assigned media in the table. The box will turn grey, and Preview, Upload and Delete icons will appear. 

E) Three dots button 

  1. Click the three dots button to rename, clone or delete the row item. When renaming or cloning the item a similar to adding a row popup window will appear where you have enter the carrier name and optional description, and confirm it with the Rename or Clone button.
  2. Click the Save button.

F) Add Dynamic Media to your template.

  1. Click on the Media button and select Dynamic Media.
  2. Place the element on the canvas.
  3. Choose Dynamic Media (e.g., carrier_logos) from the first drop-down on the right-hand menu under Dynamic Media section.
  4. Configure your Dynamic Media (see next).

G) Configure the Dynamic Media element.
  1. Under Dynamic Media select value Manual to specify the column.
  2. Select the column name as in Dynamic media tab.
  3. Select value Data Source from the Row drop-down under Column ID.
  4. Click the Edit Row Data Source button.
  5. Drag and drop the Main airline code element right-hand list.
  6. Click the OK button in the lower right-hand corner to confirm the settings.
  7. Click the Canvas button and select the data source.

Now you can create your own flight list by following the tutorial Create a FLIGHT LIST and using carrier logos. 

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