Flight status mapping table - REMARKS translations
  • 05 Mar 2025
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Flight status mapping table - REMARKS translations

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Article summary

Flight statuses in our Simpleway CX system are referred to as "Remarks". 

To make it easier for passengers to read and understand flight remarks (statuses) on FIDS, we have added custom translations as a simplified replacement for some of the default translations of remarks obtained from the flight data feed provider. If you would like to have a different translation of remarks, we will cover the steps to change them in this tutorial.

The Remarks tab is providing an overview of available flight remark/status values in the "Name" column as integrated from AODB (flight data feed) and their translations in the "Name translation" column. 

When modifying flight data on the Flight editor tab the Remarks dropdown values first display the name of the remark and then the name translation in parentheses, but it is the name translations of remarks that are displayed on the FIDS


Name translations of remarks can be default or custom. Default translations are a duplicate of the remarks names received from the AODB provider, while custom translations are added by the administrator to override the default ones, therefore the columns "Name" and "Name translation" on the Remarks tab can contain both the same (if default) and different (if custom) values. 

On the Translations tab, default translations of remarks are indicated by a red circle in the override column and cannot be deleted or modified, while custom translations are indicated by a green circle and can be modified and deleted. 


On the Translations tab:

  • The "Code" column matches the "Name" column on the Remarks tab.
  • The "Translation" column matches the "Name translation" column on the Remarks tab.
The following table shows the our custom translations of remarks:
TranslationRemark name      Description
ArrivedArrived / Delayed
Aircraft has arrived but is delayed based on scheduled arrival
ArrivedArrived / Gate Arrival
Aircraft has arrived and is in designated gate
In AirEn route / Delayed
Aircraft is currently in air but delayed based on scheduled arrival or departure
In AirEn route / On Time
Aircraft in air and on time
LandedLanded / Taxiing
Aircraft is wheels down at destination but still taxiing to gate or designated parking
DelayedScheduled / Delayed
Aircraft has not departed and is delayed from scheduled departure
DepartedTaxiing / Delayed
Aircraft has left the gate, is taxiing for departure and is delayed from scheduled departure
DepartedTaxiing / Left Gate
Aircraft has left the gate and is taxiing for departure
No InfoResult unknown

The aircraft entered a gap in Flight data feed provider coverage while in flight, and data is no longer available

Topics covered:
  • Remarks tab, 
  • Translations tab


Modifying custom remark translations

A) Translations tab

  1. Open the Translations tab.
  2. Click the filter icon for the TYPE column, select the remark check box, and click Apply.
B) Custom remark translations
Custom remark translations are indicated by green circles in the OVERRIDE column. These will be the ones we specified earlier in the table.

  1. Click a custom remark translation item to edit it.

C) Edit remark
Only remark translations with a green override status are editable.

  1. Enter the appropriate translation in the available language fields.
  2. Click the Save button to confirm changes.

Note: If you delete custom remarks translations with green override status, it will revert to the corresponding translation marked with red override status obtained from the flight data feed.

D) Repeat the previous steps to change any necessary custom remark translations.

Creating custom translations from default translations

A) Default remark translations
Default remark translations are indicated by red circles in the OVERRIDE column. These are integrated from the flight data feed.

  1. Click a default remark translation item to override it.

B) View remark page
Default remark translations with red override status are not editable.

  1. Click the Override button.

If you delete a default remarks translation with a red override status, it will be recreated again as soon as the remark is retrieved from the flight data feed.
C) New item page
A new editable custom remark translation is created, with fields pre-filled with values from the overridden item.

  1. Enter the appropriate translation in the available language fields.
  2. Click the Save button to confirm changes.

D) Repeat the previous steps to create any new custom remark translations.

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