Change FLIGHT DATA
    • 21 Aug 2023
    • 1 Minute to read

    Change FLIGHT DATA

    Article summary

    Sometimes the data coming from the flight data feed might be incomplete or incorrect. In this situation, you can manually update flight data. You can easily make any change from the Flight Editor tab.

    Another problem you might face with your flight data is private or cargo flights which you do not want to show on your displays. For this purpose, use our Flight exclusions tab, where you can create airline or flight-specific "blacklists."

    Topics covered:
    • Flight editor tab 
    • Flight exclusions tab


    A) Find the required flight on the Flight Editor tab; there are several ways to look for it:
    • Filter
    • Search
    • Sort
    B) Modify the flight information of the chosen flight by changing data in the respective fields. 

    • Please always keep in mind that your data changes are only saved within the Simpleway CX system and will not be synchronized to the flight data feed. 
    • If you add or modify any flight data, these updates will not be overwritten by the synchronization, but all other flight information will be synchronized. 
    • Switch off flight data feed sync when you do not want to get any flight information updates for the flight. 
    • Complete flight data refresh can be achieved either by deleting the whole flight and the automatic flight data feed sync assures that the flight will be again uploaded or switch off and switch on again the data feed synch slider and always save your change. 

    C) After you have saved the changes, the updated flight information will be visible on displays that show this particular flight.

    D) Flight exclusions can be set up for the whole carrier, or only specific flights can be "blacklisted."
    1. Under Flights section, open the Flight exclusions tab.
    2. Click on the New button. 
    E) Configure your flight exclusion.
    1. Carrier exclusions - by entering the carrier code, no flights of this carrier are visible in your flight list.
    2.  Flight exclusions - you can enter specific flight codes of the carrier to limit your exclusions to them. Note: The flight numbers are entered without the carrier's IATA code. Each flight number is entered in the field and confirmed with the check icon. All added flight numbers are visible in the right-hand window part. 
    3. Confirm changes. 

    F) The excluded carrier/s and flights are no more visible on the Flight editor tab and your displays.

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