Add your LOGO to the Simpleway template
    • 27 Sep 2023
    • 1 Minute to read

    Add your LOGO to the Simpleway template

    Article summary

    In this guide we will provide the steps on how to add your own Airport logo to the Simpleway templates by using a generic example of the Airport logo.

    Topics covered:
    Templates tab - Designer: Media library feature

    Sample screen:


    Prerequisite: Select a Simpleway template and create your own copy - see the tutorial Assign a Simpleway provided TEMPLATE to a display

    A) Open the Simpleway template in Designer

    1. Open the Templates tab. 
    2. Select the Simpleway template.

    Tip: You can use any of the modern Simpleway templates we have prepared for you in in the blue Simpleway Templates folder of the Templates tab.

    B) Add Media library element to the template

    1. Click the Media button and select the Media Library
    2. Place the element on the canvas.

    C) Upload and select your Airport logo

    A subwindow will appear where you can select media uploaded to the Media Library. 
    1. Click the Upload button and select your logo image in the file explorer. After your image has been uploaded it will appear in the list of items of the currently opened Media Library subwindow. 
    2.  Click the uploaded logo item.

    D)  Configure the internal Media settings of the logo

    1. Change the size and position of the logo to suit your needs.
    2. Click the Save & Publish button in the lower right-hand corner. Now it is ready to be assigned and shown on your display.

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