Ad hoc announcements - Call forward
  • 09 Apr 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Ad hoc announcements - Call forward

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Article summary

The Call forward page on the Ad hoc announcements tab allows you to record announcements with an attached microphone device and push it immediately to the required zones for playback. 

Topics covered
  • Ad hoc announcements tab


A) To record the announcement:
  1. Open the Ad hoc announcements tab. The Call forward page opens by default.
  2. Click the button with the microphone icon to start recording. The microphone icon changes to the stop icon. Click it again to stop recording. Note: By default, noise reduction is enabled (checkbox is selected), this function helps to remove ambient noise in the recording. To disable it, clear the checkbox.
Note: The Play button in the lower right corner will be enabled after recording the announcement.
B)  Listen to what you have recorded:
  1. After you stop recording, the stop button will be replaced by the two following buttons: Preview recording - allowing you to listen to the recorded announcement and Discard recording - to cancel it if you wish to make a new one.
  2. Select zones by ticking the respective checkboxes where you want your recording to be transmitted.
C) Push the announcement for playing: 
  1. (optional) – Select the Repetition type and configure the repetition settings. Described in more detail below.
  2. (optional) – Select the Priority with which your recording will be queued up for playback among other announcements.
  3. Click the Play button.

The announcement starts to be heard in the selected zones unless the selected zone/s are occupied by another announcement that has higher or equal priority.

D) Setting a repetition of the recording:

Users are able to set different basic repetition settings by selecting the desired mode in the Repetition type dropdown. 

  • None – the announcement will be played one time once the user clicks on the Play button.
  • Multiple times – the announcement will be played immediately once the user clicks on the Play button, and then it will repeat multiple times according to the set repetition. All scheduled announcement repetitions will be visible in the list on the Planned announcements tab as individual items. The maximum time limit for scheduling ahead of the current time is 180 minutes.

E) Detailed information about the triggered announcement can be found on the Queue tab - see tutorial Announcement history.

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