Audio Streams & Stats
  • 14 Nov 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Audio Streams & Stats

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Article summary

Audio Streams Setup


Configure your device’s Audio streams by defining the:

  • TX stream – transmits audio to other devices, output.

  • RX stream – receives audio from other devices, input.

Each stream can support between 1 – 8 channels.


To fully configure network streams, make sure to include network inputs and/or outputs in the DSP design. Once configured, save and deploy the DSP design to apply the changes.



Before you start to configure the streams on the Audio streams tab, create your input and output channels - Net TX & Net RX - from the Components.

Drag and drop it onto the canvas and name the channel/s.

Create new audio stream

  1. Click on the plus+ icon for the TX stream.

  1. Insert the following information about the stream:

    1. Protocol – select AES67 or RTP

    2. Interface - LAN A or B (if both available for the device)

    3. Number of channels with the plus/minus

    4. IP port of receiver (e.g. Q-SYS core)

    5. Individual channels can be assigned to “Net Tx” from DSP design.

    Confirm with the Save changes button.

Audio Streams Stats


An overview of all configured audio streams with details about their configuration and current status.

It starts with TX streams and continues with RX streams.

Use the Refresh button in the upper right corner of each stream to reset all counters of the respective stream.

For each stream you can see the connected LAN, Protocols, IP:Port etc.

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