Scenarios basic setup
  • 29 May 2024
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Scenarios basic setup

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Article summary

Start creating your scenarios on the Scenarios tab and define the display content and/or voice announcements. You will want to pre-define the zones where the content will be played and/or displayed.

  • Any display content can be assigned in the same way as in the Displays tab - playlists, templates, schedules or media.
  • As for voice announcements - any paging announcements or tts library announcements can be used. To use variables, please refer to the tutorial on advanced scenario setup.
  • Within the scenario, you can also configure announcement suppression and pausing, which can be useful for planned and automated announcements.

Categorizing scenario types and threat levels can help you better organize your scenarios.

Note: How to configure data for your contents is explained in the tutorial Scenarios advanced setup

Topics covered:
Scenarios tab


A) Create a new scenario

  1. Open the Scenarios tab.
  2. Click the New scenario button.

B) Scenario configuration
  1. Name the scenario.
  2. Select the Type of scenario from the drop-down. Available types are Emergency, Warning, Normal.
  3. Select the Threat level with “0” being the lowest and “5” the highest threat level.

Note: Scenario types and threat levels have no effect on scenario activation and serve only to categorize the table items on the tab, being a subjective assessment of the scenario settings themselves, which, in the user's interest, should reflect a set of specific actions, their parameters and order.

C) Adding Show content action
  1. Select the Show content action.

D) Show content action - Content assignment
  1. Click the content assignment icon and select content in a new Assign content sub-window. This process is identical to the content assignment on the Displays tab. 

E) Show content action - Zones selection

  1. Click the Change zones button. A new Select zones sub-window opens.
  2. Select zones with display configurations by ticking the respective checkboxes where you want the assigned content to be displayed.
  3. Click the Save button.
  4. Click the Add action button when done with the Show content action.
After saving the scenario, the scenario mode will automatically be added for all selected display configurations on the Displays tab:
F) Adding Make announcement action
  1. Select the Make announcement action.

G) Make announcement action - announcement selection
  1. Click the Select announcement button. A new Select announcement sub-window opens.
  2. Select the desired announcement. You can navigate through the Paging Library and TTS Library using the corresponding buttons next to the search field.

H) Make announcement action - configuration
  1. Select the Priority with which your recording will be queued up for playback among other announcements.
  2. Select the Repetition type and configure the settings.
  3. Select languages in which you want the announcement to play.
  4. (optional) – Select a language for announcement preview and click the button with the "ear" icon to listen to the announcement in selected language. During the preview, the button icon changes from "ear" to "stop". Pressing the button again stops the preview.

Setting a repetition of the announcement:

Users are able to set different basic repetition settings by selecting the desired mode in the Repetition type dropdown:

  • None – the announcement will be played one time once the scenario is activated.
  • Multiple times – the announcement will be played immediately once the scenario is activated, and then it will repeat multiple times according to the set repetition. All scheduled announcement repetitions will be visible in the list on the Planned announcements tab as individual items.
  • Each – the announcement will be played immediately once the scenario is activated, and then it will repeat each time when a set period of time passes. All scheduled announcement repetitions will be visible in the list on the Planned announcements tab as individual items.
I) Make announcement action - Zones selection
  1. Click the Change zones button. A new Select zones sub-window opens.
  2. Select zones by ticking the respective checkboxes where you want your announcement to be transmitted.
  3. Click the Save button.

J) Adding Suppress announcements action
  1. Select the Suppress announcements action.

K) Suppress announcements action - configuration

  1. Set priority threshold. Note: All announcements with the selected or lower priorities will not be played during active scenario.
  2. Use the All zones slider to select or deselect all available zones or click the Change zones button to select zones manually.
  3. (manual option) - Select zones by ticking the respective checkboxes where you want your announcements suppressed.
  4. Click the Save button. 

J) Adding Pause announcements action
  1. Select the Pause announcements action.

K) Pause announcements action - configuration

  1. Set priority threshold. Note: All announcements with the selected or lower priorities will be paused during active scenario when at least one announcement zone is in the selected action mode, even if the priority is set to “partial”.
  2. Use the All zones slider to select or deselect all available zones or click the Change zones button to select zones manually.
  3. (manual option) - Select zones by ticking the respective checkboxes where you want your audio messages suppressed.
  4. Click the Save button. 

L) After scenarios are configured and saved they are added to the Scenarios activation tab. The scenarios can have the following statuses:

  • Inactive - a red icon indicates that the scenario is not activated on the Scenario activation tab.
  • Active - a green icon indicates that the scenario is activated on the Scenario activation tab, in which case it cannot be edited until it is deactivated.

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