Scenarios activation
  • 29 May 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Scenarios activation

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Article summary

Once your scenario is ready, you can activate it upon your needs on the Scenario activation tab.  Also deactivation of your scenario is perforemed on this tab when the situation ends. 

Each scenario you have created on the Scenarios tab is visible on the Scenarios activation tab. Status icon is red for deactivated scenarios and green for active scenarios. 

Topics covered:
Scenario activation tab


A) Scenario activation tab

  1. Open the Scenario activation tab. 
  2. Click the scenario item.
B) Scenario detail and activation
The detail page contains all the information on the scenario configuration.
  1. Click the Activate scenario button.

C) After activating the scenario you will be returned to the main page. The status icon of the activated scenario will become green on both Scenario activation and Scenarios tabs. As on the Scenarios tab the items on the Scenarios activation tab can have the following statuses:

  • Inactive - a red icon indicates that the scenario is not activated.
  • Active - a green icon indicates that the scenario is activated, in which case it cannot be edited on the Scenarios tab until it is deactivated on the Scenario activation tab.

D) To deactivate a scenario return to its detail page and click the Deactivate scenario button.

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