Trip-related announcements are predefined announcements with trip relevant information for the selected station of a trip. These announcement are triggered from the Trip paging tab and include information about the selected trip and are played in preselected station zones.
How totrigger playingof trip-related announcements:
select the trip record whose information you want to use when playing the announcement,
select the announcement from the predefined announcement options,
configure the selected announcement,
review the zones where your announcement shall be heard.
Announcement text can also be displayed on displays if the selected zones include display configurations to which templates with a visual paging component are assigned, as described in the Visual paging tutorial for LCD displays or within the LED script configuration.
If you want to havemore or different announcements buttons, contact our support team.
Topics covered
Trip paging tab
Queue tab
A) Trip tab - trip-related announcement
Open the Trip paging tab.
Select the tripfor which you want to trigger an announcement.
Click the announcement button based on the announcement content you would like to play.
B) Station and zones for announcement transmission
1. The Select station section shows the trip’s stations and the current position of the train. The selected station is marked blue and indicates where the announcement will be transmitted.
2. In the Select zones section the relevant zones for announcement transmission are preselected according to the selected station. Note: Manual changes are enabled to users.
The announcement automatically adjusts to match the station with announcement text and configuration. If necessary, the station can be selected manually by ticking the corresponding station circle. This will result in the automatic adjustments of announcement for that particular stop.
C) Announcement config Announcement details can be adjusted:
The Select languages section is for selecting the languages in which the announcement will be transmitted.
Preview your announcement before playback. A transcript of the announcement is available for the selected language. You can use the "Ear" button to pre-listen the announcement. Trip information is already filled into the announcement.
Click the Play button.
The announcement will play immediately in the selected zones unless these zones are occupied by the playback of other announcements of the same priority/ importance. In this case, the playback of the announcement will be delayed until the selected zones are free again.
Optional steps:
Select the Repetition type and configure the repetition settings.
Select the Priority with which your recording will be queued up for playback among other announcements.
Setting a repetition of the announcement:
Users are able to set different basic repetition settings by selecting the desired mode in the Repetition type dropdown.
None – the announcement will be played one time once the user clicks on the Play button.
Multiple times – the announcement will be played immediately once the user clicks on the Play button, and then it will repeat multiple times according to the set repetition. All scheduled announcement repetitions will be visible in the list on the Planned announcements tab as individual items. The maximum time limit for scheduling ahead of the current time is 180 minutes.
D) Announcement history
Open the Queue tab
Find the announcement at the top of the table or use the sorting icon of the CREATED column.
Detailed information about the triggered announcement can be found on the Queue tab - see tutorial Announcement history.
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