General debugging on the Queue tab
  • 10 May 2023
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General debugging on the Queue tab

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Article summary

The Queue tab lists all announcements played by the system - previous, current and pending announcements - and provides some details about them. The Queue tab also allows you to perform several actions on the announcement list, such as filtering, sorting, as well as specific actions regarding a particular announcement, such as downloading an announcement, stopping its transmission, and viewing additional details about the announcement.

1. The information showed in the Queue tab

  • Type - Show if it was TTS or a prerecorded announcement.
  • Name - Name of selected announcement.
  • Originator - which user select the announcement or if it was the automatically planned announcement
  • Trip code - the code of the trip for which the announcement was triggered (for example from Arrival/Departure paging tabs, GateUI, BaggageUI etc.)
  • State - Shows what is the current state of the announcement.
  • Created - When the announcement was created (enqueued).
  • Finished - When the announcement was finished.
  • Zones names - Shows which zones were selected to play in.
  • Languages - Shows which languages were selected to play the announcement in.
  • Airline - The name of the airline of the trip for which the announcement was triggered.
  • Priority - Shows what priority the announcement has.

2. Different Queue item states

Waitingannouncement was not played yet as announcements triggered earlier or with higher priority are in the queue before this announcement. The announcement will be played once the announcements before in line are finished.
Processingduring announcement transmission this status is visible in "Queue" tab.
Doneannouncement was successfully played in accordance with trigger into selected zones and in selected languages.
Failedannouncement could not be played due to technical issues.
Interruptedannouncement was interrupted by higher priority announcement enqueued or if someone used live paging.
Cancelledannouncement was stopped/cancelled manually by user. 
Expiredannouncements waiting in the queue for more than 15 minutes (default configuration) due to busy zone/s become expired and will not be played anymore. 

3. Announcements with Waiting state

Queue item waiting to be played for various reasons.
A) The reason may be that the announcement is just waiting to be processed - it may be too large and needs more time to load, or there may be a network delay.

B) The reason is that another announcement is playing in the same zones, and the items wait until the previous announcement is over.

Note: This does not apply to announcements with a higher priority. If an announcement has a higher priority than the announcement that is currently playing, the lower priority announcement will be interrupted and the higher priority announcement will be played.

4. Announcements with the FAILED state

Queue items fail to play for various reasons. The FAILED state means that the announcement didn't reach any zone on the PA device. When it happens we need to do the following:

  • First, we need to check if the PA device (Core) responsible for selected zones is connected. 
  • Then we need to check the existence of zones in which we want to play.
  • Further investigation requires looking into logs and checking what exactly happened. In this case please contact Simpleway for assistance.

 A) First please see PA not playing announcements - follow the procedure Check if PA devices are connected to the system in OpsUI

 B) Queue tab

  1.  Open the Queue tab.
  2.  Select the announcement with a failed state. 
  3.  Click the Detail button to see more information about the reasons why the announcement failed.

 C) Announcement detail

In this example, the announcement has not reached any zone on the PA device, so you need to check the settings on the Zones tab.

 D) Zones tab

  1.  Open the Zones tab.
  2.  Select the zone that caused the zone reaching failure detected earlier on the Queue tab.

 E) Edit zone page

  1.  Drag & drop the correct device output from Available devices section to Selected devices section.
  2.  Click the Save button.

5. Announcements with the PARTIAL zone reach status

In the announcement Detail the Partial zone reach status means the announcement didn't reach all off the zones on the PA device. This can be caused by two reasons:

  1. Group defined in the system consists of zones, one or more of which are not defined on the PA device.
  2. Group defined in the system consists of zones, one or more of which are defined on a PA device that is currently offline or not reachable.

Example: Terminal has gates A1-A10 and B1-B10. Zones A1-A10 are defined on the PA device #1, zones B1-B10 are defined on the PA device #2. When announcement is sent to a Terminal zone (i.e., gates A1-B10) and PA device #2 is offline, the announcement will only reach zones A1-A10 and appear in the Queue tab with Partial status. In the аnnouncement Details window you can see which zones have not been reached.

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