FlexUI - paging tool
  • 29 May 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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FlexUI - paging tool

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Article summary

The FlexUI user interface is an intuitive platform designed exclusively for running voice announcements by users. This application allows the user to view announcement content, configure predefined content options and variables for a specific use case, and play the announcements to selected zones in selected languages. 


We have prepared a demo configuration to give you a better idea of what options and features our paging tool offers. You can easily configure it with your categories and announcements by following the instructions: 

For your demo instance, access the FlexUI by typing into your browser the URL: https://your instance access URL/flex/demo, for example: https://air-tyx5.simpleway.cloud/flex/demo

Main FlexUI screen:

Topics covered:
  • FlexUI


A) Login 
  1. Enter the numerical PIN code by touching the respective numbers on the screen.
  2. Tap the OK button.

Note: You can use the other login methods listed on the right side of the login page.

B) FlexUI screen - zones

  1. Select the zones to which you want to transmit announcements. The button turns blue for the selected zone and white for the unselected ones. 
Note: The top area of FlexUI remains unchanged on all FlexUI pages, so you can select zones at any stage before triggering any announcement.
C) FlexUI screen - languages

  1. Select the languages in which you want to transmit announcements. The button turns blue for the selected languages and white for the unselected ones.
Note: Similar to zones you can select languages at any stage before triggering any announcement.
D) Category selection

  1. Tap the category tile to open the quick access page with the list of related announcements.

E) Quick access page

  • On the quick access page, announcements of the selected category are triggered by pressing the play buttons. 
  • Announcements with three dot icons contain options and/or variables that need to be set up, hence they cannot be played from the quick access page.
  • Clicking the Back button navigates users back to previous FlexUI page, in this case the home page with the category selection.

F) Playback process

After pressing the Play button a playback sub-window will open: 
  • it will display the announcement content in all selected languages in the preset order. The currently playing language will be highlighted and its duration displayed.
  • during the playback of an announcement you can stop playback immediately or after the current language is played using the relative Stop buttons. 
  • you may also minimize the playback sub-window, allowing you to navigate the FlexUI, for example, to prepare the next announcement for playback.
  • active zones transmitting announcements are highlighted with a red button. Note: "Local demo" zones that are preconfigured to play to your client speakers for preview purposes are not highlighted with a red button when transmitting announcements. 
G) You may maximize the playback sub-window, allowing you to use the Stop buttons again. 
H) Triggering announcements with options and/or variables

  1. Tap the announcement with three dots icon. 
I) Announcement content page 

  1. Tap the highlighted button in the announcement text and set a variable or select an appropriate option.
  2. Tap the "Play" button. The playback process from the announcement content page is identical to the quick access page described earlier.

I) You can log out of FlexUI by pressing the Logout button on the Menu located in the upper left corner of the FlexUI pages.

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