External content - webpage reference
  • 10 Apr 2024
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External content - webpage reference

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Article summary

An easy way to add content to your displays is to show a Web page in your template 

In this tutorial, we'll go through the steps necessary to display the content of an external web page on the screen using the Web Page widget in the Template Designer.

An example how to include Screenfeed contents using the Web page widget is to be found in the second part of this tutorial

Topics covered:
Templates tab - Web page widget 


A) Create a new template on the Templates tab - see how to do this in the Create basic STATIC content tutorial.

B) Add a Web Page widget.

  1. Click the Widgets button and select the Web Page option.
  2. Click the canvas in order to place the selected Web Page widget.

C) Edit a Web Page widget.

  1. Change the size and position of the Web Page region to suit your needs.
  2. Insert the URL of your webpage into the URL field under the Webpage URL section. URL example:   https://docs.simpleway.cloud/
  3. Click the Save & Publish button.

Note: The Auto reload drop box allows you to switch on and off the automatic reload of the webpage. When the Auto reload is switched on you can set the Reload rate (in seconds).

D) You may now assign the template with the external content to your display, see tutorial Assign a Simpleway provided TEMPLATE to a display

Sample - Screenfeed:

A) Screenfeed content

  1. Enter www.screenfeed.com
  2. Choose the desired content.

B) Request a free trial.

C) Sign in or register to request a free trial.
D) Once the trial is approved, go to account page and select Edit trial feed.
E) Select Direct URL and fill other fields to your liking.
F) Select Update feed to generate the URL.
G) Copy feed URL.
Now you can insert the URL into the Template, see steps above. 

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