Display is showing wrong data
  • 10 May 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Display is showing wrong data

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Article summary

Sometimes wrong data may appear on the display. That can have several reasons. Note: If the display shows incorrect data, first follow the steps described in the Display shows obsolete data / offline status chapter, especially the steps: Restart player and Reboot controller.

Overview of possible actions:
  1. Check the Asset values when display shows data for a different Asset value
  2. Check the third-party data feed when display does not show data or shows incorrect data even after reboot

1. Display shows data for a different Asset value

A) Displays tab
If the display shows the correct data, but for a different Asset value than required, follow the procedure below:

  1. Open the Displays tab.
  2. Click on the display configuration with the invalid Asset value to edit it.
B) Edit page

  1. Scroll down to the Asset values section of the Edit page.
  2. Check the Asset values and correct them if necessary.
  3. Click the Save button.

2. Display does not show data or shows incorrect data even after reboot

Flight or trip data are retrieved from the 3rd party AODB/ATS providers. These can be Cirium, FlightAware, GMV and plenty of others. The problem where display shows no data or shows incorrect data may be caused by their data feed. Since Simpleway has no control over this, there is one way to check if this is the root cause.

Each customer is provided with a unique endpoint for calling the third-party data feed API. An example of a URL endpoint is:


Calling this command from a web browser should generate a response that should show flights/trips data. If the data is missing or an error message is displayed, you may need to contact your data provider for assistance.

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