Configure content for display bank
  • 15 Sep 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Configure content for display bank

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Article summary

This tutorial follows up on the Create a DISPLAY BANK tutorial so you can add content with paging over your display bank screens. 

We will show you how to use the Display bank preset option to create a template that matches your display bank configuration and is based on an existing data list template. The content will be divided into sections with predefined dimensions and you will be able to choose the page order for each section to display different pages of the data list at the same time.

In our example, we will create content (template) for a display bank configuration consisting of 3 displays in a single row with a resolution of 1080x1920 each.

Topics covered:
Templates tab - Display bank wizard

Sample screen:

A) Prerequisite: Prepare steps from Create a FLIGHT LIST tutorial or get a Simpleway Template from the Online library with a Flight list you would like to use for display bank.

B) Create a new template

  1. Open the Templates tab.
  2. Click the New template button.

C) Add new template window

  1. Name your template.
  2. Select the Display bank option (Full HD or 4K depending on the resolution of your physical displays that are part of a display bank) from the Preset dropdown.
  3. Set the orientation of the individual cells of the template according to the orientation of your physical displays. 
  4. Set the dimensions of the template by specifying the number of columns and rows in it, where the resolution of each cell corresponds to the preset, such as Full HD or 4k. Note: These dimensions should correspond to display bank configuration on the Displays tab.
  5.  Click the Save button to proceed to the template designer.

D) Set page order

After opening the designer, the Display bank wizard automatically starts. The first thing to do is to set the page order in the data list for each part of the content, determined by the number of columns and rows selected earlier.

  1. Set the page order for defined parts. 
  2. Click the Continue button.

E) Assign template

  1. Click the content assignment box. A new Templates window opens.

H) Templates 

  1. Select a template with a data list (e.g., Arrival list, Departure list).

Note: You can only select templates that match the resolution of the selected display bank preset option.

I) Template state
After assigning a template, you can select the state of the template if there is more than one. By default, the first state is selected automatically.

  1. (optional) Select the template state.
  2. Click the Continue button.

J) Click the Save & publish button.

The template is now ready to be assigned to the display bank on the Displays tab, which matches the configuration.

To create a display bank and assign the template see tutorial Create a DISPLAY BANK

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