Configure TugmanUI
  • 12 Apr 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Configure TugmanUI

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Article summary

TugmanUI serves the airport staff in the baggage claim process by providing the passenger with information on where they can get their luggage, on which belt, and in what state the aircraft unloading process is. Once the belt is assigned to a flight in TugmanUI, the information is distributed on displays to inform passengers. In this tutorial, we will create a TugmanUI configuration and connect it to the client. 

In addition to the configuration of the TugmanUI, assign also to your belt displays a Belt template so that flight information is visible on the respective belt display for passengers' orientation. 

Note: Either adjust to your needs the prepared tugman-demo configuration or create a new configuration.

Topics covered:
TugmanUI - UI configuration tab


A) Create a new UI configuration

  1. Click the New UI configuration button.

B) Setup your TugmanUI configuration

  1. Name your UI configuration with a unique name.
  2. Set the Client domain type to tugman.
  3. Enter the Client ID. Your Client access URL will consist of Client domain type and Client ID. 
  4. Set the UI property to Tugman.
  5. Select the Belt value under Asset values
  6. Click the Save button.

Note: you may find it useful to set the Client ID to the same value as the selected Belt asset value since both the Client domain type and the Client ID values will be part of the TugmanUI URL.

C) UI configuration status

You can check the status of your UI configuration in the Status column:
  • green icon indicates that the specific UI configuration has been assigned to the connected client/device - it is connected and successfully signed in
  • red icon indicates that the specific UI configuration is not assigned to any connected client/device - it is disconnected.
  • A "wrench" icon is displayed if the client/device is not configured - it is connected but has no UI configuration assigned to it.

D) Create a new template

  1. Open the Templates tab.
  2. Click the New template button.

E) Add a Web Page widget.

  1. Click on the Widgets button and select the Web Page option.
  2. Click on the canvas to place the selected Web Page widget.

F) Edit the Web Page widget.

  1. Change the size and position of the Web Page region to suit your needs.
  2. Type the TugmanUI URL, consisting of your instance access URL plus two new sections at the end delimited by "/". The first section is the Client domain type and the second section is the Client ID. Example: https://your instance access URL /tugman/1
  3. Click the Save & Publish button.

G) You may now assign the template with the TugmanUI URL content to your touch screen display.
Note: You can also use the TugmanUI URL in your web browser as an alternative.

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