Configure BaggageUI
  • 12 Apr 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Configure BaggageUI

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Article summary

In this tutorial, we will create a BaggageUI configuration and connect it to the client. Since BaggageUI is a platform that allows users to activate voice announcements during the baggage claim process, the appropriate zones and user access to them should already be pre-configured. Please review the Zoning of your PA and display devices to help you prepare zones for BaggageUI and assign them to users.

Note: Either adjust to your needs the prepared baggage-demo configuration or create a new configuration. 

Topics covered:
BaggageUI - UI configuration tab


A) Create a new UI configuration

  1. Click on the New UI configuration button.

B) Setup your BaggageUI configuration

  1. Name your UI configuration with a unique name.
  2. Enter the Client ID. Your Client access URL will consist of Client domain type and Client ID.
  3. Set the Client domain type to baggage.
  4. Select the appropriate Baggage UI property.
  5. Drag & drop the desired zones from the Available zones & zone groups section to the Selected zones & zone groups section.
  6. Click the Save button.
C) UI configuration status

You can check the status of your UI configuration in the Status column:
  • green icon indicates that the specific UI configuration has been assigned to the connected client/device - it is connected and successfully signed in
  • red icon indicates that the specific UI configuration is not assigned to any connected client/device - it is disconnected.
  • A "wrench" icon is displayed if the client/device is not configured - it is connected but has no UI configuration assigned to it.

D) Assigning Baggage UI configuration to the client.
Login to your microphone station settings and in the menu Device interfaces navigate to the External application settings section:
  • Type your instance access URL and Client access URL connected with a "/". As mentioned earlier, your Client access URL consists of Client domain type and Client ID. Example: https://your instance access URL/baggage/example
  • Tap on the Save button.

Find more in our micnode 2 hardware manual.

Note: If there is no microphone station near you, you can use the Baggage UI URL in your web browser as an alternative.

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