• 15 Apr 2024
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Article summary

Sometimes the data coming from the trip data feed might be incomplete or incorrect. In this situation, you can manually update trip data. You can easily make any change from the Trip editor tab.

The main page shows individual trips as they are received from the GTFS-R data feed. You can easily distinguish the item colors whether the trip is:

  • completed trips are marked grey,
  • trips currently in operation are green,
  • future trips have white background,
  • delayed trips are marked with light red background.

On the trip detail you can find a visual representation about the current location of the vehicle in relation to stops on the trip.

With the Smart Scheduling function, changes made for one stop are propagated to all consequent stops - time changes, stop cancelling. 

Topics covered:
  • Trip editor tab 


A) Open the Trip editor tab and find the required trip; there are several ways to look for it:
  • Filter
  • Search
  • Sort

All trips are shown in a table format where each row represents a separate trip. Trips are highlighted based on their status:

  • Grey – completed trips.
  • Green – trips currently in operation. 
  • White – future trips.
B) Click the required trip and its details will open for editing in a new sub-window. 

C) Trip edit page

On the trip edit page for each stop of the trip you may:

  • modify the Delay and Dwell time values,
  • select the Platform
  • set the stop status to Non-stopping, On-request, or Cancelled. 

Note: The Predicted arrival and Predicted departure values are automatically determined based on the preset Scheduled arrival and Scheduled departure values and the data you have changed.

By default, data synchronization is enabled, meaning that trip data is periodically updated from the GTFS feed. If you manually change trip data, except for on-request stop and platform changes, synchronization is automatically disabled. Re-enabling GTFS data synchronization would overwrite the changes you have performed on the trip.  
D) Enter a new value in the Delay field for a required stop.

Note: When you enter a new value in the Delay field for a stop in a particular row, the values of the Delay, Predicted arrival and Predicted departure fields for all stops down the list are readjusted if the Smart scheduling is switched on, otherwise these values are updated only for the row being edited. Smart scheduling is on by default.

E) Set the Dwell time for each stop of the trip.

Note: When you modify the value in the Dwell time field for a stop in a particular row, the values in Predicted departure fields for all stops down the list are readjusted if the Smart scheduling is switched on, otherwise these values are updated only for the row being edited. Smart scheduling is on by default.

F) Setting up Platforms

  1. Select the Platform from the dropdown for a required stop. 
  2. Save the trip modification.

G) Setting up Non-stopping stops

  1. Tick the Non-stopping checkbox for required a stop. The Dwell time field of the respective stop is highlighted in red for verification of its accuracy.
  2. Adjust the Dwell time value.

H) Tick On request checkboxes for stops which are called at passenger's request. 
Change the Dwell time if needed.

I) Cancel stops

When Cancelled checkbox is ticked, this attribute is applied to all stops down the list if Smart scheduling function is switched on, otherwise only to the stop where the checkbox was originally ticked.

The Smart scheduling function is switched on by default.

J) Save the trip modification.

K) Three-dot menu options

You can also Edit, Clone or Delete trips from the main page of the trip editor using the three-dot menu, which is located after the last table column in the trip list. In addition, this menu opens when you right-click on any item in the list.

Note: Cloning trips can be useful when you want to create a new trip based on an existing trip, but with some modifications.

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