Change location pronunciation
  • 15 Nov 2024
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Change location pronunciation

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Article summary

When adding a new location (destination) or carrier on the Locations or Carriers tabs, always make sure it is pronounced correctly in all languages

The Location translations and Carrier translations tabs allow you to edit the translation of the "Name" column on the Locations and Carriers tabs, and to adjust the Pronunciation, Rate, Pitch, Intonation and Volume of the audio translation in the TTS editor.

The list of locations on the Locations tab corresponds to the list on the Location translations tab, and the list of carriers on the Carriers tab corresponds to the list on the Carrier translations tab. 

All of the prosody features in the TTS editor are for adjusting and fine-tuning the audio translation of the announcement; you know most of them from Microsoft Azure. If you don't edit the translation or pronunciation, TTS Voice will read everything as is, and, except in English, it may not sound right. The pronunciation of words may not be sufficient for some languages and more fine-tuning could be required using other prosody features. You may want also adjust the intonation in certain cases or increase or decrease the speed of particular announcement segments, insert pauses etc.

Each prosody feature is represented in the TTS editor by a different color. When you apply these features to selected text that is part of an audio translation, the text is underlined with the color corresponding to the applied feature. In contrast, the breaks (pauses) and structure editor functions are displayed as bubbles of a specific color.

In this tutorial we will describe how to use the prosody functions in the TTS editor to correct audio translations of locations in Location translations tab, which also applies to audio translations of carriers listed in the Carrier translations tab.

Topics covered
  • Location translations tab, 
  • Carrier translations tab, 
  • TTS editor - prosody features


A) Location translations tab

  1. Open the Location translations tab.
  2. Select the item you want to edit. 

Note: By default, the location translations list is sorted in the descending order by the CODE column.

B) Edit Location translations

  1. Enter the text translation of the location for all available languages if required.
  2. Click the pencil button to edit the audio translation and adjust the voice for a particular destination variable. A new TTS editor window opens.

There are 3 possible variants of DESTINATION variable. All of them should be filled according to the language:
  • destination - destination is used in nominative without any prepositions
  • destination_from - is always written with the preposition "from" = "from Dubai", Spanish variant "procedente de Dubai"
  • destination_to - is always written with the preposition "to" = "to Dubai", Spanish variant "con destino a Dubai".

C) TTS editor

  1. Write the text that TTS Voice is supposed to read.
  2. Click Start Preview button to verify the correct TTS pronunciation.

D) Adjust pronunciation

  1. Select/Highlight text where you want to adjust the pronunciation.
  2. Click on the pencil button in the Pronunciation section. A new Edit phoneme window opens. 

Note: You can also select a Reading rule such as SPELL for gates, flight codes, flight numbers and similar. 

E) Edit phoneme 

Use the available phonemes in the Edit phoneme window instead of typing them yourself, since many of the characters may only look like comas, quotation marks, colons, etc., but they are not.

  1. Construct the Phoneme using available Phoneme library.
  2. Click the Start Preview button to check the new pronunciation. For comparison, you can also press the Original button to hear the TTS without pronunciation correction.
  3. Click the Done button. Pronunciation-corrected text is now underlined in orange.


You can rewrite any word using Phonemes but remember that every language has its own phonemes e.g., in Spanish, you don't have all the phonemes to rewrite every English word. However, you can copy the non existing phonemes from English to Spanish. 

Validation check is applied for unknown characters in the "Phoneme" field for any specific language, and the user is notified by a pop-up message. 

Tip! For additional info regarding phonemes visit IPA website.V

F) Adjust intonation

  1. Select/Highlight text where you want to adjust the intonation.
  2. Click the pencil button or the intonation preview picture.

Have in mind that the intonation may sound different in the selection than in the announcement as a whole.

We recommend adjusting the intonation part by part and not the whole announcement at once.

G) Edit intonation

  1. Place pivot points on the intonation line and move them to form the intonation curve.
  2. Click the Preview button to check the new intonation and compare it to the original intonation using the Original button.
  3. Click on the Done button.

H) Adjust rate, pitch and volume

  1. Highlight the desired part of the text.
  2. Adjust the rate, pitch and volume by clicking on the up and down buttons in the corresponding sections or by writing the number manually and confirming the adjustment by clicking on the "check" button. 

I) Break

  1. Click where you want to add a break (pause).
  2. Select the break type in the break section menu and confirm the setting with the "check" button.

J) Comments

  1. Click where you want to add the comment.
  2. Type your comment in the field under the Comment section and confirm it with the “check” button.
Note: Your comments will not be visible to the end user. You can leave comments for the Simpleway team and your colleagues.
K) After you have created all audio translations

  1. Create audio translations for all destination variables in all available languages if required.
  2. Click the Save button.

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